7 Factors That Impact the Cost of a New Furnace

If we had a nickel for every time a consumer inquired about the cost of a new furnace, then we would have thousands of them every day. It’s a fair question, and as much as we’d want to provide a direct, uncomplicated response, the fact is that it depends. The cost of installing a new furnace in your home from a heating installation in Allentown, PA, is dependent on several variables, including the fuel source, the size/capacity, the energy-efficiency rating, installation considerations, advanced features, brand, and time of year.

Several Factors Determine The Price of a New Furnace

  1. The source of energy
    The fuel source is generally the first consideration when purchasing a new furnace from a HVAC installation near me. Whether it’s natural gas, electric, or oil, most households consider fuel efficiency. Electric furnaces are less costly than natural gas furnaces, although operational expenses may make gas furnaces much cheaper. If you move from one fuel source to another, you can expect to spend more.
  2. Dimensions
    Size and capacity go hand in hand in the world of furnaces. It’s critical to have the proper furnace size for your house. You don’t want your new unit to be too big or too tiny for various reasons. The size is broadly connected to the square footage of the house (although HVAC specialists use a more in-depth calculation). You’ll see that the price steadily rises as you go for bigger (greater capacity) furnaces.
  3. The Use of Less Energy
    If it’s been 15-20 years since you purchased a furnace, you’ll be astonished at the fact that today’s models are much more energy-efficient. The AFUE (Average Fuel Utilization Efficiency) is a standard metric for measuring energy efficiency (short for fuel utilization efficiency rating). A furnace with a 90 percent AFUE is fine, but one with a 97 percent AFUE is even better – but more expensive. Remember that investing in a higher-efficiency furnace now can save you money on your energy costs for many years down the line.
  4. Constructing
    The cost of labor to install the equipment from a heating repair in Allentown, PA, is a significant factor that influences the total cost of your new furnace. If obstacles make the installation more complicated, such as updating electricity or running new ductwork, the project will cost extra.
  5. Extraordinary characteristics
    Modern furnaces may have features that aren’t strictly essential but enhance your comfort and convenience. Variable-speed motors, air pressure switches, electronic air filters, and other modern technologies are included in higher-end furnaces.
  6. The Brand
    More recognized brands will come at a higher price like most everything in life. When it comes to a furnace, the extra cost is generally justified due to improved performance, dependability, and guarantee. If you go to great lengths to acquire a dirt-cheap furnace, you will almost certainly get what you paid for.
  7. The Season
    The optimal time to purchase a new furnace is spring or early summer. Manufacturers and HVAC businesses often offer special pricing and financing alternatives during the off-season for heating systems.

We hope our post has given you a better understanding of the aspects that influence the cost of a new furnace from a heating service in Allentown, PA. The next step is to schedule an appointment to discuss your house’s requirements and budget, after which we can propose the best furnace for your home and give a free estimate. Please send a message or call the Complete Home Specialist at (610) 790-3835 to seek the assistance of our qualified HVAC specialists.